jsfs   H O M E  
Japan Society of Family Sociology Office
358-5, Yamabuki-cho
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0801,

§ National Family Research of Japan (NFRJ) Project

The National Family Research of Japan (NFRJ) is the first nationwide family research project based on national representative samples in Japan. The project is being conducted by the NFRJ Committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology. The main objectives of this project are to periodically collect nationwide data by random sampling and to make such data available for use to the Society's members and later on to the public at large.

The project was inaugurated with the first survey (NFRJ98) in fiscal 1998, followed by National Survey: “Trails of Families in Post-War Japan” (NFRJ-S01) in fiscal 2001, the second survey (NFRJ03) in fiscal 2003, and the third survey (NFRJ08) in fiscal 2008. These data are available via the Social Science Japan Data Archive (SSJDA) of the University of Tokyo and are being used for secondary analyses by many researchers.

§ The Third Survey (NFRJ08)

The third survey (NFRJ08) was conducted in January to February 2009. We published the first report containing outline of the survey, documents, and basic tabulations, in April 2010. We then organized the NFRJ08 Data Joint Use Project with voluntary members of the Japan Society of Family Sociology. The research results from the project were compiled as the second reports of NFRJ08 in September 2011. In February 2012, we deposited the NFRJ08 dataset at SSJDA.

§ Panel Study (NFRJ-08Panel)

We have started the Panel Study (NFRJ-08Panel) project for 2008-2013. The survey subjects are NFRJ08 respondents who agreed to participate in the panel survey for five years. We are conducting four waves of repeated surveys for the same respondents.

NFRJ-08Panel obtains funds from Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI #21243034) for fiscal 2009-2012 by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. The actual process of the survey is conducted by a subcontractor: Central Research Service Inc.

§ NFRJ Website

The NFRJ Committee has own website. Visit http://nfrj.org to obtain information about NFRJ surveys. Index of the documents for each survey would also be helpful.